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Highschool Makes You?

Let's talk about something real quick. I want to talk about the term, "High school is what makes you who you are."

Who started that?

My guess is people who peaked in high school. I am sick and tired of people telling me to put high school over my own personal growth.

Yes... you do need to do good in school.

Yes... you need go grades (and for some people good sports) to get into college.

I'm not saying those things aren't important.

What I am saying is that your grades, your sports ect, shouldn't make up your being.

When you put your soul into something... what do you have left?

The reason we have these depressed "used to be gifted" kids is because they have been taught to seek academic validation above everything else.

Reason for this riot:

I decided to work instead of wrestle this year and all I've heard is how I'm going to regret it.

Because for some reason a community that thrives on disordered eating and other people suffering is more important than me earning a wage and learning how to handle social situations?

My point is that people should be allowed to enjoy high school passively.

It drives me crazy how toxic this way of thinking is.

As always, drop your thoughts down below.


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