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Narrative endings every writer needs to know: Circular Ending

Welcome to the Dawn Lewis Journal: Our little section of the world.

Today we're going to be talking about narrative endings, particularly a circular ending. Having a book that fits into a narrative ending can help your book feel more like a book and not a fan fiction. Don't get me wrong, I love fan fiction but if you want your book to do well in a wide spread market, you need a narrative ending.

What is a circular ending?

This is a story that does a full circle and then comes back to the beginning. This kind of ending offers possibilities for irony and satire. A book with a circular ending is "The both die at the end" by Adam Silvera.

You can use circular endings to re-rout and come back to the original point of the story.


You can use a circular ending to help your reader come to a conclusion at the end of your story. Follow, like and comment!

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